
1:1 health Coaching

For a personalized plan and consistent support for your health and wellness.

What does this look like?

If you’re looking for someone to help you discover what support you need, 1:1 wellness coaching might be the right step for you. After your initial foundational session where you explain the big picture of your life and health, we will begin meeting weekly or bi-monthly to work towards whatever your goals may be. Consider me the passenger helping you navigate your health journey while inspiring, educating, giving perspective, and encouraging you along the way. More specifics are given at the free consultation.

let’s meet for a Free initial 20 minute consultation


our lives are interconnected. want to be coached together?

We know the likelihood of change increases dramatically in community. If you are part of an organization, business, or small community of people, consider group coaching where you will be introduced to wellness topics, discuss personal implications, and have authentic conversations that create built in accountability towards change.

Tell me more about group coaching