I am a recovering hard-worker, a chronic thinker about good food, a kitchen gardener, and an intentional lover of people. Several years ago as a director of a non-profit and mom to four little kids, my body began collapsing under the constant stress that I couldn’t seem to handle any more. My typical rhythms of health were no longer capable of fully supporting me in the ways they had before and my nervous system was on high alert, causing my whole body to suffer.

This was when I found functional medicine. Through the wisdom of functional medicine practitioners (who looked beyond my symptoms for the root cause), my spiritual mentors, and intentional community, I began to learn how to live supported by a personalized ‘trellis’ that helped reduce inflammation, calm my nervous system, and strengthen my body to be well. ‘Putting on my oxygen mask first’ and living in a healthy supported way through daily rhythms of health now enables me to better care for those around me.

Building on my advanced education of biology, anthropology, and how people change, my training as a certified functional medicine health coach allows the intentional intersection for me to support the transformation of people. My hope is to make whole health coaching accessible to any person since I believe healthy functioning people build lives that inspire and impact our broader community. I couldn’t imagine doing anything but helping others build the support needed to transform their life in a healthy, personalized, meaningful way.

Do you know someone who is not thriving or living as they would like?

Are the current patterns of your life providing the support needed to create and sustain a healthy whole life?

Do you want to feel good in your body to support your family, workplace, and community?

Let’s build your trellis together.